I’m feeling suicidal
Feeling suicidal and need support now?
If you are experiencing suicidal ideations, and need support, please contact the following:
Samaritans | Aimed at providing emotional support to anyone in emotional distress, struggling to cope, or at risk of suicide throughout Great Britain and Ireland, often through their telephone helpline. | 116 123 | jo@samaritans.org | 24 hours a day, 7 days a week |
SANE | A leading UK charity providing emotional support and information to anyone affected by mental illness | 07984 967708 | support@sane.org.uk, http://www.sane.org.uk/what_we_do/support/ | |
SupportLine | Provides signposting for mental health services nationwide. We offer confidential emotional support to children, young adults and adults by telephone, email and post. We work with callers to develop healthy, positive coping strategies, an inner feeling of strength and increased self esteem to encourage healing, recovery and moving forward with life | 01708 765 200 | info@supportline.org.uk | Phone line, Tues - Thurs 18.00 - 20.00, emails 2 day response time. |
No Panic | Support for anxiety and panic attacks. No Panic specialises in self-help recovery and our services include providing people with the skills they need to manage their condition and work towards recovery, enabling them to lead more fulfilled lives. | 0300 772 9844 | Everyday - 10am - 10pm ( 365 days of the year) | |
No Panic - Crisis message | Recorded message with breathing exercises to reduce panic | 01952 680 835 | ||
CALM | For men struggling with suicidal ideation | 0800 58 58 58 | Web chat | 17.00 - midnight daily |
The Silver Line | Support line for those aged 55 and above | 0800 470 8090 | 24 hours a day, 7 days a week | |
Switchboard LGBT+ | Emotional support for the LGBT+ community | 0300 330 0630 | chris@switchboard.lgbt | 10.00 - 22.00 daily |
The Caravan | Drop-in therapy sessions | 0207 183 1802 | info@thecaravan.org.uk | Mon - Fri 11.00 - 19.00, Sat-Sun 10.00 - 19.00 |
The Listening Place | 0203 906 7676 | |||
Self Injury Support | Text us on 07537 432 444 | Email us at tessmail@selfinjurysupport.org.uk | 19.00 - 21.30 Tues - Thurs | |
Anxiety UK | We offer support, advice and information on all anxiety, stress and anxiety-based depression conditions. We provide a wide range of services to support those affected by these conditions; from those living with stress or mild anxiety, through to those with more severe, complex and longstanding issues. Our friendly volunteers can answer your questions and help find the right resources to manage anxiety. | call on 03444775774 | ||
CRUSE BEREAVEMENT CARE | They help bereaved people; also friends and employers who want to support someone. They also have special services and resources for helping those affected by specific tragedies such as public accidents, terrorism, etc | www.cruse.org.uk/get-help Free Helpline: 0808 808 1677 | ||
LGBTQ+SWITCHBOARD | Open 10am-10pm gives emotional support for anyone from the LGBTQ+ community | |||
NAZ AND MATT FOUNDATION (founded 2014 | Dr Nazim Mahmoud took his life when his deeply religious family confronted him about his sexuality. N&M aim to promote and protect LGBTQ when religion may be affecting the situation. | |||
MIND | offers advice, support and information to people experiencing mental health difficulty/ies, and their family and friends. Has a network of local associations in England and Wales that people can turn to. Lines open Monday to Friday, 9am-6pm except Bank Holidays | www.mind.org.uk Infoline 0300 123 3393 or text 86463 info@mind.org.uk | ||
NO PANIC | For people suffering anxiety and panic attacks. 10 am – 10 pm. | 0844 967 4848 | ||
SHOUT TEXT LINE | a 24-hour text service, free, confidential crisis text support for anyone in crisis, anytime, anyhow. | Text SHOUT to 85258 or visit www.giveusashout.org | ||
ZERO SUICIDE ALLIANCE | is a collaboration of NHS trusts, businesses and individuals who are all committed to suicide prevention training that is accessible to all. | www.zerosuicidealliance.com | ||
BLACK MINDS MATTER UK | Racial prejudice is a major contributing factor to poor mental health for black people. BMM is a network of black therapists who can apply their own lived experience and understanding to other black people seeking help and access to therapy. | www.blackmindsmatter.com | ||
OCD Action | Supporting for people living with OCD | https://ocdaction.org.uk/ | ||
Gamcare | support with gambling | https://www.gamcare.org.uk/ | ||
Betknomore | support with gambling including peer support | https://www.betknowmoreuk.org/ | ||
GALOP | support to people in the LGBTQ+ community experiencing homophobia | http://www.galop.org.uk/ | ||
Papyrus under 35 | suicide prevention | call on 08000684141 | ||
SOBS | call on 03001115065 | |||
Addaction | call on 02072515860 | |||
The Survivors Trust | call on 8008010818 | |||
safeline | call on 08008005005 | |||
Compassionate friend | call on 03451232304 | |||
Victim support | call on 08081689111 | |||
National domestic abuse | call on 08082000247 | |||
Supportline | call on 01708765200 | |||
Rethink | call on 03005000927 | |||
Suicide prevention line | call on 08006895652 | |||
Frazzled Café | www.frazzledcafe.com | |||
Dragon Café | www.dragoncafe.co.uk | |||
Hestia Recovery café | call on 07794394920 | |||
sunshine café | www.sunshinerecoverycafe.org | |||
Death café | www.deathcafe.com | |||
Hub of hope | https://hubofhope.co.uk/ | |||
Maggie Foundation | The Maggie Oliver Foundation (TMOF) exists to create a society where survivors and those at risk of childhood sexual abuse and exploitation (CSAE) are empowered to live fulfilled and successful lives, and where every survivor is treated with dignity, respect and as an equal and valued member of society. We can only provide emotional support and legal advocacy to those who are based in United Kingdom. | https://www.themaggieoliverfoundation.com/ | ||
LGBTQ+SWITCHBOARD | Open 10am-10pm gives emotional support for anyone from the LGBTQ+ community | Call 08000119100 | https://switchboard.lgbt/ | |
NAZ AND MATT FOUNDATION (founded 2014 | Dr Nazim Mahmoud took his life when his deeply religious family confronted him about his sexuality. N&M aim to promote and protect LGBTQ when religion may be affecting the situation. | https://www.nazandmattfoundation.org/ |
Maytree helps all kinds of people from all kinds backgrounds and with all kinds of problems. The one thing everyone we help has in common is that they have had suicidal thoughts or have attempted suicide.
People who are thinking of ending their life can show some of the following warning behaviours: