I wish to help
Volunteers are an essential part of everything that happens at Maytree. As we seek to reopen the house, we would be delighted to hear from anyone who is interested in volunteering at Maytree. Please email maytree@maytree.org.uk to register your interest.
We value all our volunteers for their enthusiasm and commitment and could not keep running without you. Volunteering with Maytree can be a challenging role and all our volunteers are fully supported with training – It is also profoundly rewarding, providing experiences and fostering skills that enrich personal and professional lives.
Call for Volunteers
Would you like to work in the frontline of suicide prevention? Maytree is currently recruiting Volunteer Befrienders with the empathy and understanding necessary to support individuals in suicidal crisis.
Based at our house in North London, our Volunteers engage with potential guests by phone and email and also spend face-to-face time listening and offering warmth, acceptance and understanding to those staying with us. Your involvement helps us to save lives and that matters!

As a volunteer at Maytree I have met people with little hope and trust in life. It is beautiful to see how that can change during a short stay here, and to feel part of that process.

About Volunteering at Maytree
The essence of the volunteers’ role is welcoming and ‘befriending’ guests who stay at the house for 5 days and 4 nights. Through befriending, Volunteers enable guests to feel heard and valued creating a safe space for guests to share their experiences, build resilience and find hope. Volunteers also befriend potential guests over the telephone and email. A volunteer’s role will also include making sure the house is running smoothly and this may include cooking basic meals, making up guest rooms, some light cleaning duties and other household tasks. The wellbeing of our volunteers is just as important as that of our guests, and we aim to create a safe, supportive environment for everyone who volunteers their time with us.
Maytree actively encourage applications from people in the BAME and LGBTQ+ communities. Maytree is an anti racist organisation that is committed to improving equality and diversity of our staff, volunteers and guests.
What sort of commitment would you make?
Usually we ask for a commitment to volunteering with us for at least one year with a commitment of one 4 hour shift per week or a double shift once a fortnight, plus one overnight shift per month. Our commitment to you is: support with regards to your role as a volunteer befriender, Refresher training, reflection sessions and the option to join monthly ongoing training to enhance your personal development. We are able to provide volunteers with a reference once they have completed one year in their role.
Is this for me?
You must be over 18 to apply.
Required: Friendly individuals who are good listeners, have compassionate and empathetic qualities, who are resilient and practice good self-care, or have life experience that you feel has prepared you to support individuals experiencing suicidal thoughts with emotional and mental health issues.
Desired: Previous experience (work or voluntary) supporting vulnerable adults experiencing emotional and mental health issues. An awareness of national suicide prevention strategies and organisations that offer support to those in suicidal crisis.
Maytree has a duty of care to our volunteers so we kindly request the following:
If you have been recently bereaved by suicide we ask that you wait a minimum of twelve months before applying to become a volunteer. Maytree can provide you with the details of SOBS who support those bereaved by suicide.
Similarly, if you are currently experiencing active suicidal thoughts and feelings we ask that you apply only after having support and once you are feeling more resilient. Maytree can provide you with the details of organisation that will be able to offer you support if needed.
Volunteer Training
Successful applicants will be invited for an interview. If successful at interview you will be invited onto Maytree’s volunteer training course as part of the selection process.
Training dates are either 2 consecutive Saturdays 10am – 4pm or 2 consecutive Sundays 10am – 4pm. Training days are followed by 2 inductions days, which are 2 consecutive Wednesdays either ( 10.30am – 1.30pm or 2.30pm – 5.30pm ). New Volunteers will then be able to book 2 shadow shifts from the rota on Guest days, under supervision of staff and experienced volunteers.
All course dates must be attended, any missed session will result in applicants having to redo the entire training course. New volunteers will also undertake Maytree’s online training courses including 1st aid, Equality Diversity and inclusion training, unconscious bias training and gender identity and expression training. Volunteers will receive certificates for all completed courses to use as part of their continued professional development.
Volunteers that successfully pass the training course and shadow shifts are on probation for three months but please be assured staff and experienced volunteers are on hand to support you. Although we do have volunteers on placement the service we offer is befriending and not counselling. You will need to check with your training provider if Maytree would be suitable to use as a placement – Maytree does not offer clinical supervision. As with all of our volunteers the minimum commitment we ask for is one year.
If you would like to join the extraordinary people who make our work possible please email carol@maytree.org.uk or call 0207 272 6863. Most applicants are invited for interview and if accepted as Volunteers will be subject to a DBS check.
Alternatively, you can fill in the form below and we will get back to you shortly.