Our Policies
Maytree’s role as a charity engaged in the work of suicide reduction requires us to maintain an awareness and understanding of all pressures within societies and individual lives which drive people to contemplate ending their lives.
We are very much aware that racial discrimination and racial violence can contribute to suicidal feelings, along with other forms of discrimination, violence and abuse.
Recent events have highlighted the insidious impact on communities and individual lives that racial discrimination has. We accept that racism is systemic and affects many and that Black Lives Matter.
Statistics reveal various sections of society where an increased rate of suicide is significant. In the context of BAME communities in Britain, suicide rates are higher among young men of Black African and Black Caribbean origin than among young white men.
Suicide rates are also higher among middle aged Black African and Black Caribbean women than among their White British counterparts.*
*statistics from https://www.mentalhealth.org.uk/a-to-z/b/black-asian-and-minority-ethnic-bame-communities
This highlights the vital need to increase support to people in suicidal crisis in BAME communities.
As part of our ongoing outreach strategy, Maytree has this year established as one of its targets increasing access for the BAME community in general, who are under-supported at all levels of the mental health care system in the UK. Maytree will continue to build on this work.
We are equally alert to the value of a diverse range of peoples in our organisation. That is why we are monitoring and assessing our organisational profile so that we can diversify our pool of volunteers, staff group and representation on the board.
Our work in reaching out to communities with particular need, and our efforts in improving our organisational structures are continuing endeavours.
Our Policies
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